
Diskriminering av jobbsøkere med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn er godt dokumentert. Hvilke strategiske grep bør jobbsøkere med denne bakgrunnen ta i møtet med arbeidsgiver?

Mangfoldsledelse har slått an hos flere bedrifter, og blir undersøkt i en ny rapport. Men hva betyr det egentlig?

Last year, we spent Ramadan in Oman for the first time in a decade. I'll be honest enough to admit that initially, I was less than enthusiastic at the prospect. Combining end of year farewells, busy preparations for summer leave and a hectic schedule with 40 degrees, altered opening hours and no food or drink in public seemed exhausting.

How much Norwegian does your child need to speak to attend a Norwegian school? Here is what you can expect if you enroll your child in a public school in Norway.